Saturday, July 29, 2006

of shoes and ships and sealing wax

That was a pretty good night. I had a lot more fun than I expected I would. Someone at work invited me to a little get-together this evening; a party if you will. I anticipated it would be exactly the kind of party I don't go to, and I was right. It was the single-most alchol consuming gathering at which I've ever been, and I was offered an alcholic beverage for the second time in my life. Yes, I've led a very sheltered life. The girl who offered me the drink this evening only did so because I had previously told her the experience of the then-only-time I'd ever been offered one, and she thought it would be funny to offer me my second opportunity. Thankfully I stuck to my guns on this one too and declined.

Since I have led so sheltered a life, tonight was my first experience with a new smell. Alcohol. Yeah, it has a pretty distinct smell. I didn't know what to think when I'd been enjoying myself talking to a beautiful girl and she'd have this new smell on her breath. That was a new combo I'd never seen (smelled?) before, and it kind of befuddled me. Growing up with all this talk of "alcohol is bad, alcohol is evil" (which I do personally believe) and then juxtaposing that with something I really enjoy and appreciate- pretty girls. Yeah it was a pretty weird night for that reason. Also in the back of my brain I was thinking that all I could do was try to enjoy myself there and then, because I knew I could never go out with any of those girls,- it would never work out. There was also another RM there whom I'd met years earlier in a class we'd both taken pre-mission. At the beginning of the party we were both visibly awkward and unsure of what to do, but we both knew people there and got a little more comfortable with the situation and just tried to have some fun. Good times.

Speaking of good times tonight I was introduced to beer-pong. It's like ping-pong with beer. Yeah, that's pretty much all there is to it. Two teams set up glasses on either side of a ping-pong table, they take turns trying to throw ping-pong balls into the other players glasses, and whatever throws you make the other team has to drink the contents of the glass. At the beginning of the night this game was entertaining to watch, but by the end of the night I was pretty bored with it.

So that was (one of) my adventure(s) for the day. It was adventure-awesome.

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