So I wrote a few posts ago that my current research project at school has run into a few dead ends. Since then, it's run into a few other dead ends. I still haven't given up hope, though.
I go through lots of ups and downs with this project. I frequently lose and regain faith in it. The loss of faith comes from the poor results I generate through simulation. The regaining of faith comes from nothing. I don't have any good reasons to have faith in the project any more, but I still do. I think there are at least a couple really unique and interesting contributions that I can make to this area of research, so I think this paper should be published, but it'll be hard selling that to anyone else. For now, I'll stick with it.
This project is one that I stumbled upon by myself with no spurring from my advisor. I don't feel any pressure from him one way or the other. He thinks the topic is interesting, but hard to publish in (like I just said). I think he's just glad I'm doing something that *could* lead (maybe) to a publication. Honestly, if I weren't working on this current project I don't know what else I would do. Maybe latch on to someone else's work? Help in some way and get my name as a 4th author on some paper? That's not too bad of an idea, but I do like being in control of my destiny, for now.
I still don't feel like talking about the project's specifics, but I will say that I'm getting more and more familiar with how valuable last level cache hits are.
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