Sunday, June 18, 2006

It starts

"It starts" is what Timon the meerkat says at the beginning of the Lion King game on SNES. That was a pretty good game, at least for being a game based on a movie. A Disney movie at that. Actually, Alladin for the Genesis was pretty awesome.

Well, I'm a student at the University of Utah studying Computer Science. We'll see how that goes. I work as a "building supervisor" (note the quotes) at a county recreation center where I meet tons of crazies and whack-jobs, most of whom are figure skaters. Today I got to work just as all the crazies (ie, skaters) were leaving. It was a pretty quiet day for a fair-weather Saturday. Surprisingly few people wanted to take a dip in the pool (oh yeah, there are pools + ice rinks + a gym where I work). Why am I advertising for my employer? Bah. A pox on them.

More about me (cause I'm sure you're all dying to know): I am a fan of the music of The Smiths. I read somewhere recently that it's trendy for emo kids to claim to like The Smiths because they're so emo. I thought for a season that I wanted to be emo (as far as "the look" goes), but the more I learned about it, the less enticed I was by it. So back to me: huge Smiths fan; not emo. Seriously. I do have "the glasses", though. You know the ones. Thick black frames. Well, I bought them, I committed to them, and now I have them. There you go. I'm wearing them right now. And I'm letting my hair get longer than its been in years. Is this looking bad for my "anti-emo" stance? Hrmmmm. *throws up diversion* I like techno too.

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