Monday, June 19, 2006

Dental Woes

I gag. I gag hard. Probably not as bad as my sister, but I definitely have a gagging problem. I had a dentist appointment this morning at 10am. A fine time for a dental appointment. I already had 4 hours of work under my belt by 9am, so why not go to the dentist to round out the morning? Sounds great to me.

At the dentist they do some awfully dreadfully painfully evil things to my mouth, which I endured with a stoic face (actually I cringed like mad most of the time in that chair). I was able to fight off the tremendous gag reflex and successfully took 4 X-ray pictures. These pictures revealed very little (why do they do those routinely?). It turns out I do have 2 cavities, but these did not show up at all on the X-ray. Boo for X-rays.

That was a sad part of the day. The day got way better after that. After I waited the requisite 30 minutes after the fluoride treatment, I was at Hot Dog on a Stick where I ordered 1 corn dog and 1 corn cheese. I know those aren't the real market names of those products at that eating establishment, but it seems like if a hot dog that has been impaled and covered in corn batter is called a "corn dog", then it follows that a stick of cheese given like treatment should be called a "corn cheese". That makes sense to me. (This means something. This is important.)

After that I went to a grocery store on my way home where I purchased a Stouffer's chicken pot pie and a berries & cream Dr. Pepper. Do not follow my example. That drink was at best "blah" and at worst "nasty". Blah. Stouffer's makes the best chicken pot pie in the world, though. I wholeheartedly recommend that item.

A nice nap and mowing the lawn rounded out this killer day. I wonder if I'll ever find out how to write a coherent log . . . IT'S OVER!

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